Becoming a Programming Language Polyglot (Again)

Prescript: I was prompted to re-publish this piece (written way back in 2008 for my short-lived personal website called Restart) by an O’Reilly Programming article by Venkat Subramaniam, titled Be a Polyglot Learner First, Then a Polyglot Programmer. Since I had used the word ”polyglot” in the title of my post way back then, it was enough justification to dig it out of mothballs.

So, here it is, mostly as it was. Remember, it’s from 2008, so I’ve left all the time references as they were. Mentally add or subtract five years to or from each time unit you see. I think.

Becoming a Programming Language Polyglot (Again)

How many programming languages do you know? Or rather, how many programming languages do you know how to program in? How many do you think you need?

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